HRI 2018 presentation on explanatory biases + deep learning
My colleague, Esube Bekele, recently presented our research on integrating deep learning (specifically, a person re-identification network) with an explanatory bias known as the “inherence bias”. The work was featured in the “Explainable Robotics Systems” workshop at HRI 2018. Here’s the paper, and here’s the abstract: Despite the remarkable progress in deep learning in recent… Continue reading
Talk on omissions at the Duke U. Workshop on Causal Reasoning
I gave at talk on omissive causation at the Workshop on Causal Reasoning, which was put together by Felipe de Brigard. The talk focused on recent collaborative work on how people represent and reason with omissive causes, e.g., “Not watering the plants caused them to die.” You can check out the slides here. Continue reading
New chapter summarizing state-of-the-art research on reasoning
Do you know absolutely nothing about reasoning? Wanna fix that? I have a new chapter out in the Stevens’ Handbook that summarizes the latest and greatest work on research into reasoning and higher level cognition. Here’s the link. Continue reading
Chapter on mental models in the Routledge Handbook
I have a new chapter out that reviews how people use mental models to reason. You can read the chapter here, and the first couple paragraphs are available here: The theory of mental models has a long history going back to the logic diagrams of C.S. Peirce in the nineteenth century. But it was the… Continue reading
Blog post on the frontiers of explanatory reasoning
Recently, the journal Psychonomic Bulletin & Review put together a special issue on the Process of Explanation (guest edited by Andrei Cimpian and Frank Keil). I read almost all the papers in the special issue — they’re excellent and well worth your time. I participated in a Digital Event (organized by Stephan Lewandowsky) where I synthesized some of the… Continue reading
Paper on algorithmic thinking in children
Monica Bucciarelli, Robert Mackiewicz, Phil Johnson-Laird and I recently published a new paper in the Journal of Cognitive Psychology describing a theory of how children use mental simulations and gestures to reason about simple algorithms, such as reversing the order of items in list. Here’s a link to the paper, and here’s the abstract: Experiments showed… Continue reading
New paper on reasoning about events and time
I have a new paper out in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience on a theory, computer model, and robotic implementation of event segmentation and temporal reasoning. The paper is with Tony Harrison and Greg Trafton. Here’s the link and here’s the abstract: We describe a novel computational theory of how individuals segment perceptual information into representations of events.… Continue reading
Three new papers on causality in CogSci 2015
I’ve been doing a bit of work on causal reasoning lately with my colleagues, Paul Bello, Geoff Goodwin, and Phil Johnson-Laird. Here are links to three papers that I’ll be presenting at CogSci 2015 in Pasadena, CA later this summer: Bello, P., Khemlani, S. A model-based theory of omissive causation. Khemlani, S., Goodwin, G., Johnson-Laird,… Continue reading
Review on integrating probability and deduction in human reasoning out in TiCS
I wrote a paper with Phil Johnson-Laird and Geoff Goodwin that reviews recent developments in theories of human reasoning. It seeks to explain how logic and probability fit together with cognitive processes of inference. You can download it here, and here’s the abstract: This review addresses the long-standing puzzle of how logic and probability fit… Continue reading
Comprehensive model of immediate inferences in QJEP
I published a computational model of immediate quantification inferences in QJEP with my co-authors, Max Lotstein, Greg Trafton, and Phil Johnson-Laird. You can download it here, and here’s the abstract: We propose a theory of immediate inferences from assertions containing a single quantifier, such as: All of the artists are bakers; therefore, some of the… Continue reading
About Me

I am a Senior Cognitive Scientist at the US Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC. I run the Reasoning Lab at NRL, where we study and build simulations of the mental processes that underlie everyday human reasoning.
Recent Posts
- Paper on latent scope biases now out in Cognition
- Research on “chases” published in CogSci 2024 Proceedings
- Symposium on explanatory reasoning at ICT 2024
- Paper in Cognitive Development on how children use the word “want”
- New feature in The Reasoner on the Handbook of Rationality
- PNAS paper on truth values outside logic
- Research on mental state reasoning published at CogSci 2023
- JEP: General paper on temporal explanations
- 📄 Now in Psych Review: Computational model of 200+ reasoning problems
- 📄 Cognitive Science paper on reasoning about desires