Research notes
Postdoc positions in cognitive science at NRL
[Edit 2018-10-16: My lab is looking for a new postdoc interested in studying epistemic reasoning!] I’m currently seeking applicants for multiple postdoctoral positions to collaborate on ongoing initiatives, including (but not limited to): Testing a unified computational framework of reasoning [New!] Studying how people reason about epistemics, i.e., knowledge and belief Studying how people engage… Continue reading
Monsters for science
Earlier this year, Abby Sussman, Danny Oppenheimer and I published a paper on latent scope biases in higher cognition. One of the fun things about writing the paper is that to prepare the materials for the experiment, we worked with Mike Lariccia, a friend who’s also a fantastic illustrator of graphic novels. Continue reading
Summer presentation schedule
I’ll be giving presentations at various conferences over the summer, so I’ve provided my schedule below. Stop by if you’re around! Continue reading
About Me

I am a Senior Cognitive Scientist at the US Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC. I run the Reasoning Lab at NRL, where we study and build simulations of the mental processes that underlie everyday human reasoning.
Recent Posts
- Paper on latent scope biases now out in Cognition
- Research on “chases” published in CogSci 2024 Proceedings
- Symposium on explanatory reasoning at ICT 2024
- Paper in Cognitive Development on how children use the word “want”
- New feature in The Reasoner on the Handbook of Rationality
- PNAS paper on truth values outside logic
- Research on mental state reasoning published at CogSci 2023
- JEP: General paper on temporal explanations
- 📄 Now in Psych Review: Computational model of 200+ reasoning problems
- 📄 Cognitive Science paper on reasoning about desires